Whenever you wish to transform your FLAC audio files into smaller MP3 tracks, Flac to MP3 is there for you to offer a straightforward and easy-to-use tool to batch-convert your entire FLAC collection or selected files and folders into MP3, WMA, Ogg, WAV, or AC3 files. All output formats supported are fully customizable to make sure that they fit your target device specifications.
Its one-window interface provides you with all the features you need at a glance – a big panel for you to drag-and-drop your source files, buttons to search for specific files and folders, a pull-down menu with all the output codecs supported, the settings you can apply to the format selected, and the “Start Converting Now” button. You will also find a “Setting” button, which in fact is a simple audio cutter. You will be asked to enter the start and end points in hours, minutes, and seconds – it may not be the most accurate or interactive way of doing it, but it works.
When it comes to output customization, the options are limited yet quite useful. You can select a specific bitrate, sample rate, and audio channel, as well as the output folder where the converted files will be stored. After going through these few settings, the only thing left for you to do is to launch the conversion process. The process itself is fast and reliable, producing high-quality MP3 files for your specifications. more
Simple audio conversion tool to transform your FLAC files into portable MP3s.